Delivering Exceptional Care

You talk, mpilo listens and scribes.
Your most Secured and Compliant AI Assistant for Effortless, Accurate Medical Notes

How does it work?

mpilo, your secure AI medical assistant, listens to your consultations and auto-generates accurate SOAP notes, knowing security and compliance are never compromised.


Listen and Learn

By simply clicking on "Start Consultation" mpilo listens to your patient-doctor interactions in real-time. No more scribbling notes—just focus on the conversation.


Customize Your Notes

At the end of the consultation, we provide custom templates ranging from SOAP, General Medicine, Cardiology to Psychiatry and Diet.


Seamless Integration

Review and edit your notes, then transfer to your favorite EHR. No more copy-pasting. Unburdened from administrative hassles, you can concentrate on delivering exceptional care

Your Charting AI Assistant

Empower AI to Handle the Heavy Lifting

Fortify Your Operations

We prioritize your patients' privacy. mpilo adheres to strict HIPAA regulations and employs robust security measures to safeguard sensitive medical data.

Efficiency Unleashed

mpilo takes over the exhaustive task of note-taking by intelligently transcribing and summarizing your consultations, reducing the burnouts popularly experienced by clinicians.

Seamless Compliance

Eliminate the burden of manual documentation. mpilo generates SOAP notes compliant with industry standards and regulations, giving you peace of mind.

Clinical Precision

Eliminate errors and inconsistencies in medical records by allowing mpilo to auto-generate accurate and detailed medical records, ensuring more quality patient interaction


Whether you’re an Orthopedic Surgeon, a Pediatrician, or a Cardilogist, mpilo tailors its notes to your specialty. It mimics your writing style, integrates your knowledge base, and even handles multi-speaker scenarios seamlessly.

Your Style, Your Way

Add sample notes to mimic your writing style. It’s like having a personal scribe who knows your preferences inside out.

The right plan can change your work life

Ready to experience the difference?



Best for enthusiasts




  • 15 Consultations
  • No credit card required

Most Popular



Best for maximum productivity




  • Everything from Free
  • Unlimited Consultations
  • Priority Support



Best for independent professionals




  • 1 Domain License
  • Dedicated 24/7 Support
  • Custom Domain

We don’t bill you automatically until your confirmation. We don’t store or sell your data to anyone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Patient data is protected through a robust in-browser processing mechanism. Since all transcriptions and note generation occur directly within the user's browser, no patient data is transmitted to or stored on any external servers. This method ensures that sensitive information remains under the user's control at all times, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches.

Since we do not transmit or store any patient data outside the user's device, all communications with our servers are encrypted by default. However, we recommend users ensure their browser and operating system are kept up to date with the latest security features to enhance protection during their use of the app.

Access to the transcribed and generated notes is exclusively controlled by the user. The app operates entirely within the user's browser, meaning that only the user, or those whom they choose to share their device with, can access the information. Our app does not have the capability to access or view any of the data processed by it.

Compliance with HIPAA, GDPR, and other relevant privacy regulations is achieved primarily by our data processing approach. By not storing or transmitting any patient data, we inherently reduce the scope of compliance requirements. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of the app, including how they manage access to and sharing of their device, complies with applicable laws and regulations. We encourage users to maintain strong security practices, such as using secure browsers and regularly updating their devices, to further enhance privacy and compliance.

Studies have shown that administrative tasks significantly contribute to healthcare professional burnouts. mpilo, by automating documentation, can help alleviate some of this administrative burden and potentially contribute to a reduction in burnout, allowing you to focus on your patients and practice medicine with renewed energy and focus.

Ready to experience the difference?

Don't wait to prioritize your patients and safeguard their data. Start your free trial today!